Kira + Nick: San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill

       Nob Hill is one of the most iconic neighborhoods in San Francisco, and served as the perfect backdrop for Kira + Nick's engagement photo session. They were dressed elegantly in black, and we were inspired to take photos that emphasized a high-contrast romantic style, while also capturing the color and joy that sparked from their playful interaction together.

       We had a wonderful time with Kira + Nick and they are such a sweet pair :) Congrats love birds on your engagement!

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session on Nob Hill. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014


Ariel + Sam

Elisa + Jaime: San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building

       We love to hear how couples meet for the first time. With each story we hear, it seems that there could be no better explanation for how lovers find each other than fate. The universe seemed to align for Elisa and Jaime. After a sitcom style series of events, Elisa found herself working at the Cliff House, where she met Jaime, and found her reason for staying in San Francisco, the reason that propelled that fortunate moment of fate: love.

       We met Elisa and Jaime at the Ferry Building and took some great shots of them over the water with the historic clock tower behind them. After a stroll along the water and under the sunny spring sky, we took refuge in the cool shade of the Ferry Building. Elisa and Jaime browsed the fruit stands, playfully making goo-goo eyes with each other with orange halves, and sampled olive oil and cheese from the local vendors. 

       We're so excited for Elisa + Jaime's engagement! Congratulations love birds!

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Ferry Building. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014


Ariel + Sam

Christie + Andrew: San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF + Ocean Beach

       As the two sweetest and smartest cookies around, the verdict is no surprise: Christie and Andrew win the adorable prize! They met on the first day of law school at USF in 2007. Not long after, Andrew began reserving a seat for Christie next to him in class. With these two working together, puzzling legal concepts (remember the "rule against perpetuities"?) were unraveled with the ease of kittens chasing a ball of yarn. When their eyes grew tired of squinting at hornbooks and treatises, no doubt they would look up and rest their eyes on each other for a much needed reprieve. The benefits of having a cute study buddy!

       We started their engagement photo session with a visit to USF for a lovely reunion, running around the green campus lawn, and sitting down in Kendrick Hall's foyer to read the USF law journal. Coincidentally, just after Sam was reminiscing about the legal writing class they shared together, their professor strolled into the room, and we got to let her in on the story of their romance too. (She joked that her class was so boring that the setting provided the perfect relief for a romance.)

       Afterward, we headed to San Francisco's Ocean Beach, where it seemed like the whole city was out working on their tans, walking their dogs, and surfing the waves. Andrew and Christie had fun revisiting the place where he proposed on the beach, and we got some great images of them walking hand in hand on the shore.

       Christie + Andrew, you two are so wonderful! We had such a great time hanging out with you, remembering our law school days, and talking about your upcoming wedding this summer!! You are so perfect for each other, and we couldn't be happier for you!

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at USF. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Ocean Beach. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014


Ariel + Sam

Mel + Ben: San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Union Square + the Palace of Fine Arts

       Mel + Ben have the luck of love; every time we stepped out to take their photos on what was otherwise a rainy day, the clouds magically parted! It poured cats and dogs the night before their engagement session, and drizzled through the morning, but the sun just peeked out when we arrived at Union Square as if it was timed. One of Mel + Ben's fave SF spots, they strolled over to admire the spring cherry blossoms and playfully checked the pulse of a giant heart sculpture ("I left my heart in San Francisco"), before throwing high fives and agreeing to meet at the Palace of Fine Arts. In that 10 minute drive the sky opened up and it poured; our windshield wipers went swish-swash all the way there.

       We reunited at the Palace of Fine Arts - and ta-da - here comes the sun! Talk about wonderful luck!! Our spirits all soared with the sight of the sun returning, and Mel + Ben both showed off their adorable and silly side!  Yeah, and there was also this time when they pretended to munch on some lavender :) We must have all been thinking about food, because after a conversation about our fave dishes from around the world, we realized our stomachs were grumbling, and as we walked back to our cars for a double dinner date -- buckets of rain started to fall! Talk about perfect timing! Looking in the rear-view mirror, we were rewarded with a brilliant rainbow that stretched over the City.

       Mel + Ben, we had so much fun sharing in your rainbow-producing luck! Congrats on your engagement!! We are so happy for you!

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Union Square. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014


Ariel + Sam

Dorothy + Josh: San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Stow Lake

       We totally loved Dorothy's response when we asked if there were any other images they wanted captured during their engagement photo session in Golden Gate Park: "I want to climb a tree!" Dorothy + Josh have been coaching baseball and badminton during the spring season; keeping in shape made tree-climbing a breeze! They also brought along their adorable pooches, who got their moment in front of the camera, and although they didn't do as well climbing trees, they looked cute trying, and wore the most adorable flower corsage and tie. Too sweet!

       Dorothy + Josh are such a wonderful duo and we had the best time with them at Stow Lake. Congratulations on your engagement!!

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session in Golden Gate Park at Stow Lake . © Bowerbird Photography, 2014


Ariel + Sam