Ana + Brett: Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a Sailboat

       Ana + Brett chartered a sailboat for the perfect weekend getaway. Blue skies painted the water a glimmering turquoise. The sun just begged for the couple to stretch out over the deck of the boat, soak in the rays, and listen to the waves lap at the hull. There was lots to celebrate; bottles of champagne were packed with ice in the cabin below, and everyone was in a jubilant mood. Not only were we commemorating their engagement with a special photo session, it was also Ana's birthday! 

      The weather was perfect and Ana + Brett couldn't stop beaming at each other as they snuggled together behind the wheel. We sailed out across the Bay toward the Golden Gate Bridge and admired the view. When the swells began to rise, the photo session turned into a little gymnastic session. Everyone held onto ropes and wires, and onto each other (Ana + Brett nuzzled even closer together; Ariel strongly grasped Sam's belt loop to keep him steady). The sway of the boat helped us capture in photos a sense of the adventurous spirit and joy of these two sailors on the water.

       After we were back at the dock, we joined Ana + Brett and his wonderful family for lunch on the boat. We all squeezed into the cabin and got cozy for a delicious lunch prepared by Brett's mom, Theresa. Enjoying the warmth and conversation around the table, we immediately felt at home. We can't wait to see everyone again, and meet more of their friends and family at their wedding in August. It was so incredible to spend the day with Ana + Brett. These two shine brilliantly with the love they have for each other, and are so kind and warmhearted. One can't help but adore them! 

       Congratulations Ana + Brett on your beautiful engagement! 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat with the Golden Gate Bridge. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat with the Golden Gate Bridge. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat with the Golden Gate Bridge. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat with the Golden Gate Bridge. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat with the Golden Gate Bridge. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat with the Golden Gate Bridge. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat with the Golden Gate Bridge. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat with the Golden Gate Bridge. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat with the Golden Gate Bridge. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat with the Golden Gate Bridge. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat with the Golden Gate Bridge. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat with the Golden Gate Bridge. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 

Sausalito Engagement Photo Session on a sailboat. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014 


Ariel + Sam

Susie + Jon: San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Glen Canyon Park

       With their wedding about a month away, Susie and Jon are relaxed and even giddy with anticipation! Last Sunday, we rambled the orange poppy lined trails of Glen Canyon Park together taking photographs for their engagement session. It felt like we were documenting the perfect date watching these two walking hand-in-hand through the woods, goofing-around in a sour grass eating competition, and kissing among the tall spring grasses. To top off the afternoon, Susie and Jon graciously shared a bounty of chocolate croissants and gala apples and we all sat on the grass laughing and soaking in the afternoon sun.

       With only a few weeks left for Susie + Jon to introduce each other at a party as "my fiancé(e)" -- these moments document a special time in their romance before they tie the knot! Enjoy some of our fave photographs of this gorgeous couple!

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

       These two hiking buddies run and play softball in their free time, and are in such great shape they don't really need to take rest breaks - but a kiss under the trees makes such a stop irresistible! 

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

       These love birds survey the scene after climbing a stony knoll, comprised of "banded chert," according to expert, Susie!

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

       Sitting on a grassy hill, Jon plucks a white morning glory and puts it behind Susie's ear.

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

       Chasing your love through a hillside of tall grasses? One word - DREAMY!!!

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

       "Oh!!!! These taste so goooooood!!!" Susie exclaims as Jon hams it up. Sour grass sweetens the breath for a kiss.

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

       Missing model escapes from an Anthropologie catalogue and is FOUND! 

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

       These two know how to enjoy themselves. As Jon said, one of the best parts after a hike are the treats. Thanks Susie + Jon for sharing your delish picnic with us!

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

        Susie places her foot on the imaginary starting line, and when Jon says "Go," she springs into his arms!!!! So adorable!

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

       That's what we call a Picture-Perfect Finish to the Race!!!

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

S.F. Engagement Session at Glen Canyon by Wedding Photographers, Bowerbird Photography © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

       We had such a wonderful time with these two. Kind, brilliant, and fun-loving -- these two are amazing for each other. We are soooo excited for their upcoming wedding! But until then, congratulation on your engagement!!!!


Sam + Ariel

Zhanara + Vitaliy: San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts

       After our engagement photo session with Zhanara + Vitaliy at the Palace of Fine Arts last weekend, department store clerks might prepare for a run on the mall in search a beautiful tulle skirt. How gorgeous does Zhanara look in her spring ensemble, featuring a beachy bleached denim shirt on top of a flirty white tulle skirt?! 

       Zhanara + Vitaliy are such sweeties. Not only are they sweeties, but with a bit of a sweet tooth too they revealed a box of French macaroons, perfect for an impromptu picnic in the park. These two love birds alighted on the grass, fed each other treats and relaxed in the sunshine, with one of the most iconic spots in San Francisco as their backdrop. 

      Enjoy this peek from Zhanara + Vitaliy's fabulous afternoon celebrating their engagement and love for each other! 

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Palace of Fine Arts. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

       Congratulations love birds!!!!


Ariel + Sam

Tammy + Mat: San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End

       San Francisco's temperate Mediterranean climate and breathtaking coast provides a combo one-two punch that inspires things like: a gourmet picnic culture, playing hooky from work, wild frolicking, uncorking champagne bottles at sunset, and of course, love.

       Driving up the coast and visiting Land's End provided a jaw-dropping scenic destination and romantic memory for one of Tammy + Mat's earliest dates. When a match is so perfect, perk your ears for the sound of wedding bells ringing from a future horizon! Months later and madly in love, they return to our coast, now with sparkling bling on Tammy's finger, an exuberant puppy in tow, and two sweet friends providing a celebrity-style entourage and doggy-sitting service for their engagement photo session (Thanks Betsy + Cole!).

       Not only were we able to take beautiful photographs of these two, but we all had tons of fun! Hiking into the wind-sculpted trees on the hill overlooking the Sutro Baths, Tammy + Mat found a bed of flowering ice plants to sit and enjoy the view of the Bay. From there, we made our way down the hill and onto the old ruins and reflective pools of the Sutro Baths. The sea churned white, and salty mists rose before the couple putting a spell of romance over the whole scene. They ducked into a cave for some excitingly playful photos, where they danced together in the blanket of dark.

      We are so happy for you, Tammy + Mat. Thanks for letting us share these wonderful moments with you, and to commemorate this special time in your lives. Congratulations on your engagement! Enjoy some of our favorite photographs from that amazing day:

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

       Daisy couldn't wait to smell all the news carried to her by the sea breeze, and hurried her humans along with excitement that was barely restrained. With the help of her lovely dog sitters, she watched on the side as we took the following photograph of the beautiful couple.

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

       Like Russian nestling dolls, we love how Tammy is cradled under Mat, and Mat is wrapped around by the tree above him. 

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

       Tammy and Mat scamper off from the main trail, and find a secluded spot away from the weekend tourists, perfect for a romantic smooch!

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

       Now's the time for your close-up. With those eyes, it'd be hard to deny any request: "Sure -- I'll do the dishes!" 

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at Lands End and Sutro Baths. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

       Congratulations Tammy + Mat on your beautiful engagement!


Sam + Ariel

Jessica, Simon + Isaac: San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park

       If baby Isaac ever wondered what his parents do when he is sleeping, years from now he will be able to look back at photo albums from our fun-filled photography session in Golden Gate Park's Botanical Gardens for proof. With Baby snug in his buggy, Mom and Dad scampered off for a kiss in a giant bush of purple flowers! So romantic. Yet, with the twittering of birds all around and the quack-quack of ducks (we all took turns at our best bird calls) Isaac slowly stirred awake. And what fun we had! Jessica entertained us by blowing bubbles by the lake, we chased Isaac chasing Canadian Geese by the lake's edge, we plopped down on the grass for a game of "1-2-3 Blast Off" where we threw fuzzy balls at each other, and then paused to greet a squirrel who came to join the party. We shared so many laughs that the nibble of cold from the S.F. fog rolling in was barely noticeable.

       What a gorgeous, loving family! Enjoy a selection of our fave pics from their family photography session.

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Engagement Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014

San Francisco Family Photo Session at the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. © Bowerbird Photography, 2014


Ariel + Sam