Monday: Finding Focus

       Succulents are very popular these days at weddings, taking star turns in bouquets, boutonnières and table arrangements. The other day we walked by some silvery, blue specimens in our neighborhood and couldn't help staring. Aren't they stunning? Masculine, yet velvety and soft.

       Wedding inspiration can come from almost any source, and what better way to get ideas than on a little neighborhood walk.  With the lovely weather lately, we need little excuse to get out, stretch our legs, and take a stroll around the block.  This Monday, enjoy a break outside, look around, and be inspired.

© Bowerbird Photography 2013.

© Bowerbird Photography 2013.

© Bowerbird Photography 2013.

© Bowerbird Photography 2013.

© Bowerbird Photography 2013. 

© Bowerbird Photography 2013. 

       Have a fabulous week!


Ariel + Sam

Monday: Finding Focus

    Spring is here. Well, at least in the Bay Area. The weather has been truly wonderful, calling for weekend camping trips and outdoor picnics. We just returned from a few days in the mountains at some luxurious hot springs with a group of dear friends. The weekend included long soaks, playing in the sun and gigantic, homemade gourmet dinners in the evening. 

       And like every year, the true symbol of spring has arrived. The plum tree in our backyard is in full bloom, leaving a scattering of light pink petals every-which-way. Totally gorgeous!

The plum tree in bloom in our backyard. © Bowerbird Photography 2013.

The plum tree in bloom in our backyard. © Bowerbird Photography 2013.

       Have a lovely Monday darlings!


Ariel + Sam

Monday: Finding Focus

A quote from Coco Chanel. Wine tasting at Nicholson Ranch, Sonoma, CA. © Bowerbird Photography 2013.

A quote from Coco Chanel. Wine tasting at Nicholson Ranch, Sonoma, CA. © Bowerbird Photography 2013.

    We find that our life is the perfect balance of work and love. This weekend we did an engagement photo session up in the wine country with the wonderful Julia + Ian. The mustard flowers were in full bloom, which made a stunning backdrop for their engagement photos. We took photos of them pedaling on their cruiser bikes, making out in the vineyards, and even got a few photos of Ian's adorable parent's, who joined us for the photo adventure. As we made our home to San Francisco, we decided to  stop for some wine tasting and talk about the session. Like most of our days, it was a perfect balance of work and love.

Wine tasting at Nicholson Ranch, Sonoma, CA. © Bowerbird Photography 2013.
Wine tasting at Nicholson Ranch, Sonoma, CA. © Bowerbird Photography 2013.
Loving the late afternoon sunshine! Wine tasting at Nicholson Ranch, Sonoma, CA. © Bowerbird Photography 2013.

Loving the late afternoon sunshine! Wine tasting at Nicholson Ranch, Sonoma, CA. © Bowerbird Photography 2013.

Sleeveless shirt weather in February -- yes please! Wine tasting at Nicholson Ranch, Sonoma, CA. © Bowerbird Photography 2013.

Sleeveless shirt weather in February -- yes please! Wine tasting at Nicholson Ranch, Sonoma, CA. © Bowerbird Photography 2013.

Driving home over the Golden Gate Bridge after a wonderful day in the wine country. © Bowerbird Photography 2013.

Driving home over the Golden Gate Bridge after a wonderful day in the wine country. © Bowerbird Photography 2013.

     We hope this inspires you to have a Monday full of wonderful work and love!


Ariel + Sam

Monday: Finding Focus

       We had two wonderful engagement photo sessions this weekend and we got to play outside with two beautiful couples. It's January, but the weather in San Francisco has been fabulous! It reminded us of how much we love being outside and that we are so fortunate to have a job that takes us out to so many gorgeous places. We hope you get a chance to play outside this week as well :) Get some sunshine!

Flowers in the garden. © Bowerbird Photography, 2013.

Flowers in the garden. © Bowerbird Photography, 2013.


Ariel + Sam