Monday: Finding Focus

       Few things feel more fulfilling than spending a weekend with friends. We danced the night away in the Castro on Friday for Caroline's bday, went to brunch (ohh crepes!) and for a hike in Glen Canyon on Saturday morning with Sunisa + Nat, and at 9pm that evening, we took engagement photos with the hilarious duo, Bess + Charlie, in their apartment for a "reality of life" spoof. The photos are amazing!

       Weekends are never complete without accomplishing a few household chores too.  On Sunday, Sam teetered on a ladder outside our home, scrubbing the windows and wall with buckets of warm, sudsy water, while his mother-in-law held the ladder steady. There's nothing like working up a sweat to earn some time to just sit and veg out.  After Sam returned from the cold, we snuggled on the couch and re-discovered the genius of Lucille Ball and laughed our faces off to some old "I Love Lucy" episodes.

​© Bowerbird Photography 2013.

​© Bowerbird Photography 2013.

       This week we are starting to prepare for a week long trip to Austin, to photograph Angela + Erica's destination wedding (we're so excited for them!) and also to shoot the music festival at SXSW for the paper. March is off to a fantastic start.

       Happy Monday sweet darlings!


Ariel + Sam