Monday: Finding Focus

       I've started reading Bill Bryson's A Walk in the Woods and within the first two pages I'm ready to put it down, lace up my shoes, and find a trail to ramble on. The woods, the jungle, the ocean -- the natural world has consistently brought calm and connection to my life.  

       We hiked the beginning stretch of the Napali Coast trail in Kauai, upon a recommendation from our friend, Charlie, who said it was one of the most beautiful trails he's ever hiked. He didn't let us down. It was stunning. Although it started raining on the loop back, the beauty didn't diminish, and the jungle glistened with a new freshness.

       It's also been raining outside the last couple days, and even though it is cold, and the middle of winter, I'm dreaming of getting back out on the trail. Sam, my Northwest man, is eager for any opportunity to get out under the trees, and believes that "rain is the perfect weather to hike in."  

     Enough of rainy day excuses, for your Monday -- a quote from John Muir:

      "Throw a load of bread and a pound of tea in an old sack and jump over the back fence."

Ke'e Beach below as we start our hike. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
Ke'e Beach below as we start our hike. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
A first glimpse of the coast. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.

A first glimpse of the coast. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.

The beach with cats and rock sculptures. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.

The beach with cats and rock sculptures. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.

Taking a lunch break. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.

Taking a lunch break. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.

© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
Ok! Enough rock photos! We need to get hiking again! © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.

Ok! Enough rock photos! We need to get hiking again! © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.

Bamboo forest. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.

Bamboo forest. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.

© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.
© Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography Kauai, Hawaii.

       Go out and explore the world this week!


Ariel (and Sam)

Monday: Finding Focus

       Considering the sweat-inducing heat that the orchids at the Singapore Botanical Gardens thrive on, and weighing the additional factor that I (a.k.a., Sam-mule) was loaded down with all our luggage, it was easy to decide that navigating the dizzying network of connected, subterranean malls under Orchard Road, and seeking the sanctuary of a theater to cool off in and enjoy a movie, would be time well-whiled, before catching our overnight flight to New Zealand.

       As we explained to friends during Thanksgiving, that's the last time we've gone out to the movies. Two years ago.  And as I heard myself tell the story, I got the OBVIOUS hand-bonking-head message: it's time to schedule a proper movie date with my wife!

       Thanksgiving was gooood as gravy.  Not only were we able to host a dear friend from out of town, we got time to reconnect with our other closest peeps in the Bay Area.  The day, while stuffed with awesomeness, also made me feel homesick for my family back in Seattle and across the Pacific.  Arriving back home, we got on Kayak, and bought two plane tickets traveling north in December.  Unfortunately, we don't have plans to visit Taiwan any time soon.  Nevertheless, we were able to get out Sunday evening, avoid the crowds of shoppers downtown, nerd up a pair of 3D glasses, and savor the Life of Pi, and thereby assuage by degrees my regret.  My cousin recently finished production of the movie, signaled by the absence of animals like a Bengal tiger and striped zebras popping up on her Facebook updates.  It was the perfect family movie.  We especially enjoyed sitting after the film for the credits, and spotting her name on the screen. "There she is!"  I felt so proud of her, I could have thrown a bouquet of flowers on stage.  

       Life of Pi is a smart parable about, among other things, the meaning we get from life.  One of my favorite quotes from the book by Yann Martel sums it up: "The world isn't just the way it is.  It is how we understand it, no?  And in understanding something we bring something to it, no?  Doesn't that make life a story?"  

       Holidays are not an absolute vacation, but are like field trips with required homework.  The assignment: contemplate that day's particular holiday meaning and… eat a lot.  Looking over the photos from Thanksgiving together, it's not hard to find things to be grateful for: family, friendship, opinionated cooks, stuffing (why do we eat it only one day out of the year?), love, and leftovers.  I'm also thankful for those aprons we gallantly wore, protecting us from runaway gravy trains.  We are big on wearing aprons, not only  because they allow us to give each other giant, uninhibited bear hugs without fear of messing up each other's fine clothes (and the consequential reprisals), but also, and most importantly, for the silly photos they make (see below).

       Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend.

With thanks,

Sam (and Ariel)

Two hams and a turkey! © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Thanksgiving in San Francisco.

Two hams and a turkey! © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Thanksgiving in San Francisco.

Mom's stuffing. So amazing and delicious. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Thanksgiving in San Francisco.

Mom's stuffing. So amazing and delicious. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Thanksgiving in San Francisco.

Mom, Auntie Yam and Dad -- aka The Yams. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Thanksgiving in San Francisco.

Mom, Auntie Yam and Dad -- aka The Yams. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Thanksgiving in San Francisco.

Too cute! Maya and Daniella, aprons on and ready to eat! © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Thanksgiving in San Francisco.

Too cute! Maya and Daniella, aprons on and ready to eat! © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Thanksgiving in San Francisco.

Liam and dad getting excited to chow down. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Thanksgiving in San Francisco.

Liam and dad getting excited to chow down. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Thanksgiving in San Francisco.

Nom nom nom! © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Thanksgiving in San Francisco.

Nom nom nom! © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Thanksgiving in San Francisco.

The feast begins. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Thanksgiving in San Francisco.

The feast begins. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Thanksgiving in San Francisco.

Monday: Finding Focus

       Remember being a kid and waking up real early, when the whole house was still asleep, and racing to catch the start of the morning cartoons?  Shouldn't every day begin with such child-like enthusiasm?  Sometimes, when we feel like slugs, we find it just takes a moment to stop and reflect on what's really important to bring the week into focus.  Each Monday, we thought we'd share a quote or an idea that inspires us, and that hopefully resonates with you as well.  Today, we feel propelled by love.

       "Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope."  - Maya Angelou      

       When we were in Kaua'i, we met up with Kore and Matt, who were there to celebrate their honeymoon... and yet still wanted to spend the day with us.  To use another childhood analogy, it felt like lining up on the soccer field at recess and getting picked FIRST to be on the team.  We felt honored to see them. 

       When we asked Kore and Matt about their honeymoon, they talked about the beautiful, secluded beaches they visited in Molokai.  But the story that stuck with us most, was how they spent their mornings together.  This is a couple who knows how to connect and find their focus, every single day.  Each morning, Kore would lead Matt in his very own yoga class.  How sweet is that?  Talk about two people who love each other!  They exemplify Maya Angelou's words perfectly, demonstrating the magnetic, energizing power of love.

       After hearing about these yoga sessions, we just had to ask Kore if she would teach us as well.  That's how we got our own custom yoga session on the beach with these two love birds.

Private yoga lesson on Poipu Beach with Kore + Matt. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography, Kauai, Hawaii.

Private yoga lesson on Poipu Beach with Kore + Matt. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography, Kauai, Hawaii.

Warrior one! © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography, Kauai, Hawaii.

Warrior one! © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography, Kauai, Hawaii.

The honeymooners! © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography, Kauai, Hawaii.

The honeymooners! © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography, Kauai, Hawaii.

Post yoga class, relaxing on the beach. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography, Kauai, Hawaii.

Post yoga class, relaxing on the beach. © Bowerbird Photography 2012; Travel Photography, Kauai, Hawaii.

       Who's down for taking some yoga classes with us this winter?  Give a holler.  Also, check back here every Monday morning, for a little inspiration and beauty to energize your week.


Ariel + Sam

Our NEW LOOK, new blog, and new website! (with the same old lovebirds, Ariel + Sam)

       Spring is a time to clean, summer is a time for celebrations, and fall is a time for reinvention.  We've been inspired by all the new looks at New York's fall fashion week, and have toned our arms by flipping through Vogue's brick of a September issue.  Halloween is just around the corner, with the kids in costume, and adult masquerades being planned.  We'd like to say the trees are transforming and changing colors too, but in San Francisco, the most prominent colors that change each year is the palette of pastels that our neighborhood's Victorian houses spinwheel through each year.

       As the fog rolls back in from the Bay, forcing us to beat a retreat to our snug corner for hot cocoa, we've gotten a chance to look back and review all the wonderful assignments and weddings we've shot.  For the newspaper, we've interviewed and taken photos of some fantastic local songbirds like Kelly McFarling.  While on assignment to cover a skills exchange cooperative, we learned how to saber a champagne bottle (which Sam is still trying to convince Ariel to let him do at client meetings :)  We've also covered numerous, beautiful wedding celebrations and become good friends with so many brides and grooms.  Next year, we know, is already going to be a busy one for weddings, both in the Bay Area and abroad.  We are especially honored to fly to Texas next year to document the marriage of two women who we've became friends with after documenting their beautiful surprise proposal under a California Buckeye tree in Golden Gate Park.

       With our lives brimming with all this wonderfulness, we thought it the perfect time to launch our new look, new blog, and new website.  We thought we might put all our old stuff in a box in the closet - but we've seen Toy Story - and know how important for our old things to know they are appreciated - so we're keeping our old blog up here, just in case you want to check in on it and dust off the cobwebs once in a while.  We're already feeling a little nostalgic!

       There are so many exciting new projects, collaborations, and events on the horizon that we are eager to share with you.  For example, ever heard of a 3D fennel cocktail?  Oh... but we're getting ahead of ourselves already!  


Sam + Ariel