Monday: Finding Focus. Beautiful same-sex wedding in Bastrop, Texas.

© Bowerbird Photography 2013, Lesbian carnival themed wedding in Bastrop, Texas.

© Bowerbird Photography 2013, Lesbian carnival themed wedding in Bastrop, Texas.

       Last week, we traveled to Bastrop, Texas to photograph Angela + Erica's stunning carnival-themed, same-sex wedding.  Afterwards, we covered the SXSW 2013 music festival in Austin for the San Francisco Bay Guardian newspaper.  We have so many photos we want to show you, but first, here's a sneak peak from the wedding of the beautiful brides.


​Sam + Ariel

Monday: Finding Focus

       We love getting snail mail. Few things rival the excitement of opening a letter from a friend. So you can imagine how excited we were when this adorable save-the-date magnet arrived in our mailbox from Julia + Ian, designed with images from our engagement photo session in Napa Valley with them. Pretty. Freakin'. Adorable!

       We're already so excited to photograph their wedding, and now, in the morning, when we sip our coffee at the table, we've been looking at their photos on our fridge and talking about what a great time it's going to be.

Julia + Ian's Save-The-Date magnet. ​© Bowerbird Photography 2013.

Julia + Ian's Save-The-Date magnet. ​© Bowerbird Photography 2013.

       Although so much of our lives are digital and web-tastic these days, it's still wonderful to receive an old-school letter via the US Postal Service. So this Monday, consider sending some snail mail to someone you love. They will be tickled, we're sure of it :)​


Ariel + Sam

Monday: Finding Focus

       Few things feel more fulfilling than spending a weekend with friends. We danced the night away in the Castro on Friday for Caroline's bday, went to brunch (ohh crepes!) and for a hike in Glen Canyon on Saturday morning with Sunisa + Nat, and at 9pm that evening, we took engagement photos with the hilarious duo, Bess + Charlie, in their apartment for a "reality of life" spoof. The photos are amazing!

       Weekends are never complete without accomplishing a few household chores too.  On Sunday, Sam teetered on a ladder outside our home, scrubbing the windows and wall with buckets of warm, sudsy water, while his mother-in-law held the ladder steady. There's nothing like working up a sweat to earn some time to just sit and veg out.  After Sam returned from the cold, we snuggled on the couch and re-discovered the genius of Lucille Ball and laughed our faces off to some old "I Love Lucy" episodes.

​© Bowerbird Photography 2013.

​© Bowerbird Photography 2013.

       This week we are starting to prepare for a week long trip to Austin, to photograph Angela + Erica's destination wedding (we're so excited for them!) and also to shoot the music festival at SXSW for the paper. March is off to a fantastic start.

       Happy Monday sweet darlings!


Ariel + Sam