Tahoe Winter Family Travel Guide // Cedar Crest Cottages

Juniper had never seen snow before, and since we have been having a wonderfully wet winter here in California, we decided to seize upon the opportunity to visit Tahoe, blanketed in over ten feet of fluff. Cedar Crest Cottages, in West Lake Tahoe, invited us to stay with them, and put us up in their gorgeous, newly renovated, Eagle Cottage for three nights. The cottage had three bedrooms, heated floors, a cozy fireplace and beautiful natural details throughout, like natural wood coat racks and custom block prints, with the namesake cottage bird printed on it. It had everything we needed for a luxurious home base from the cold, but was also wonderful for a toddler because there was so much to explore and enjoy. With a fully equipped kitchen to get midnight "nummies", a laundry room to make wet sweaters all cozy again, and gas fire to sit next to and read children's books - it had all the amenities you could want. In addition to window views of sunsets over Lake Tahoe, Sam and Babo spent considerable time just walking through the place and oohing and aahing over the superior craftsmanship.

Once we got settled in, we were able to really enjoy the snow with two nearby hikes (as in a 5 to 7 minute drive!) to Eagle Rock Hiking Trail and also Sugar Pine Point State Park. Juniper rode in the carrier, and we strapped on our snowshoes to venture out into the forest. It was magical. Babo (what Juniper calls her grandfather) joined us for the trip. He likes to say he was born for the cold, especially since his mom gave birth to him in a blizzard. We had been prepping Juniper for the trip for several weeks, and read countless stories that take place in the snow. Nevertheless, when the time came to venture out, she just as rather ride along in the carrier than walk on the snow. We recently asked if she liked visiting the snow, and she responded that she liked to "eat it!" Such the gourmand. She did enjoy sticking her finger out and taking a sample here and there. We even brought some inside and made homemade, fresh squeezed snow cones, that were delish! 

We couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather and for a more fantastic place to stay on this trip! Thanks for having us Cedar Crest Cottages!

A big thanks to our great fashion partners included in this blog post!

Juniper's Outfits: La Lovie

Ariel's Outfits: Greenmoss, designer Joanne Jiain

0020Tahoe Luxury Family Travel Blog © Bowerbird Photography 2017.jpg


Ariel + Sam + Juniper