Taiwan Family Travel Guide at Kenting National Park // 家庭旅行指南台湾垦丁国家公园

Family travel is about navigating choices. We always try to anticipate Juniper's needs before heading out the door. Preparation is everything, but remaining flexible is also important. We created checklists, packed our bags, and were ready to go a whole week before our flight. All set. However, the night before we left for Taiwan, we had decided to make a super important last-minute decision. Juni has been obsessed with her perpetually smiling, red, Elmo doll, ever since we succumbed to Sesame Street on YouTube to help us through a cranky night. Two days prior to leaving, Juni developed a passionate interest in dancing and the Angelina Ballerina children's book series. She would insist on wearing her tutu over whatever she was wearing, including her puff coat. The morning of our trip, we made a gut decision, replacing the Elmo doll with Angelina.

We got lucky with that choice. Juni couldn't wait to pull out “Nini” at each hotel we arrived at. No tears were shed for Elmo. Whew!

When planning this trip to Taiwan, we wanted it to be fun for Juniper. If she had a good time, so would we. Place her in a box of sand, and she's happy. We decided to head to the beach after Sun Moon Lake.

We worried that we made a poor planning choice, spending an entire day taking various modes of transportation: a bus to the train station in Taichung, then catching the high speed rail to the end of the line, where we got on a bus for a two hour ride to Kenting, and finally waiting for our hotel to pick us up in the howling wind, a welcome reprieve from the heat. We were fueled by steam buns, fish balls, fruit, and milk from the ever-present 7-Eleven convenience stores along the way. What made this choice pay-off was that we could spend 4 days relaxing in a beautiful seaside setting, without an agenda, getting accustomed to the 16 hour time difference.

Sam's parents honeymooned in Kenting decades ago, and it remains a tropical beach bum paradise. The little town around the beach and national park is pretty touristy (and there are only 7-Elevens and other convenience stores – no grocery store). We opted to stay about 10 minutes outside of the town and found it perfectly peaceful and quiet.

The South Border Design Hotel invited us to stay and we weren't sure if we were still in Taiwan or had landed in a remote Greek Island! We were so happy to relax there for a few days. The architecture is creative and modern and we just loved our room, especially the super deep tub that was perfect for baby-and-me bath time. Getting breakfast served in our room was also a luxury that we appreciated as parents, who occasionally have a hard time getting out of the door with a squirmy kiddo.

On our second day in Kenting, the wind was relentless! Not quite the right weather for a beach outing, but perfect for a beautiful hike in Kenting National Park. The park is perfect for little kids, with easy to walk, paved trails, and caves formed from ancient coral reefs (Juni LOVES caves). Best of all, there were wild macaque monkeys, that made a racket in the canopy above us before we spotted them. Also, heed the signs warning of poisonous snakes. We admired a big, sinuous sun-bather, stretched out on a tree beside the trail, and were happy that we had been carrying Juni in the carrier at that point.

Fun Space Inn invited us to stay with them for the second part of our visit in Kenting. Fun Space has a great French bistro vibe, with a chill lobby, filled with things to read and coffee to sip. The rooms have stunning views of the ocean, which is right across the street. We loved staying here and would highly recommend it! Do keep in mind that the sandy beach across the street is protected for ecological research, so no kid-friendly swimming here. There's a section of rocky beach that is beautiful, and snorkelers access the ocean from there, but it's tricky to walk over with a baby. Luckily, it's an easy 10 minute bus ride (and the buses run perfectly on time!) up the coast to plenty of sandy beaches.

After a swimming breakthrough with Juniper, learning to kick and float in bath-temperature waters, we packed our bags and headed up the east coast of the island via train, toward the province of Hualien, Sam's mom's birthplace.

More photos and travel stories coming next week.

A big thanks to our great Taiwan fashion partners included in this blog post!

Headbands: Ms. How Fan

Sandals: Aika Handmade Shoes

Cloth Baby Shoes: Polovio

Men's Shoes: Dogyball

Baby shoes + matching bags: Boingboing

Baby necklace: Ciaowo

Backpack: OGG

Organic Baby Clothes: Gujui

Choker necklace: W&Y Atelier

家庭旅行是关于导航选择。我们总是试图预测瞻博网络的需要,然后出门。准备是一切,但保持灵活性也很重要。我们创建了清单,包装我们的行李,并准备在我们的航班前一整个星期。可以了,好了。然而,在我们离开台湾前一天晚上,我们决定作出一个非常重要的最后决定。自从我们在YouTube上屈服于芝麻街,帮助我们度过一个奇怪的夜晚,Juni一直痴迷于永远微笑,红色,Elmo娃娃。离开前两天,Juni发展了对舞蹈和Angelina Ballerina儿童书系列的热情兴趣。她坚持要穿她的芭蕾舞短裙,不管她穿什么,包括她的羽绒服。在我们的旅行的早晨,我们做了一个胆量的决定,用安吉丽娜替换Elmo娃娃。

我们很幸运有这个选择。 Juni不能等待在我们到达的每个酒店拉出“Nini”。 Elmo没有流泪。哇!



山姆的父母几十年前在垦丁度蜜月,它仍然是一个热带海滩天堂。在海滩和国家公园周围的小镇是相当旅游(和只有7高架和其他便利店 - 没有杂货店)。我们选择留在城外约10分钟,发现它完全平和和安静。

南边界设计酒店邀请我们留下来,我们不知道我们是否仍然在台湾或登陆在一个遥远的希腊岛!我们很高兴在那里放松几天。建筑是创意和现代,我们只是喜欢我们的房间,特别是超级深的浴缸,是完美的婴儿和我洗澡时间。在我们的房间吃早餐也是一个奢侈品,我们赞赏作为父母,谁偶尔有一个很难走出门,一个squammy kiddo。

在我们在垦丁的第二天,风是无情的!不适合天气的海滩郊游,但完美的美丽的远足在垦丁国家公园。公园是完美的小孩子,容易走,铺好的小道和从古老的珊瑚礁形成的洞穴(Juni LOVES洞穴)。最重要的是,有野生猴子,在我们之前的树冠上做了一个球拍,我们发现他们之前。还注意到有毒蛇的警告标志。我们欣赏一个大,蜿蜒的阳光浴,在树旁边的小径上延伸,并且很高兴,我们已经在运载的Juni在那一点。

Fun Space Inn邀请我们与他们一起留在我们参观垦丁的第二部分。 Fun Space有一个伟大的法国小酒馆氛围,一个寒意的大堂,充满了东西阅读和咖啡喝。客房享有海洋的壮丽景色,位于街对面。我们喜欢住在这里,强烈推荐!请记住,街对面的沙滩是保护生态研究,所以没有孩子友好的游泳在这里。有一段美丽的岩石海滩,而浮潜者从那里进入海洋,但它是一个棘手的婴儿走过。幸运的是,这是一个容易的10分钟公共汽车(和公共汽车准时运行完美!)海岸到大量的沙滩。




头带:How Fan女士








项链:W&Y Atelier


Ariel + Sam + Juniper

Taiwan Family Travel Guide at Sun Moon Lake // 家庭旅游在台湾日月潭

One of the first books our baby, Juniper, received, was her passport book. We've been itching to get her some stamps in it! Taiwan was at the top of our list for a family-friendly retreat from our cold November, to the hot tropics. Compared to other hot-spot travel destinations it is comparatively untraveled by Westerners. Every other person we talked to about our trip at home would send us off with a, "Have a nice trip in Thailand!" Except for the rare Westerner we would spot in Taipei, almost all the tourists we met around the island were vacationing Chinese or Taiwanese. Even the tourism from China has been ebbing due to the nations' recent stare-down. That has meant we haven't needed to wait in lines at restaurants, book train tickets days in advance, or even share a hotel swimming pool with a stranger. Of course, this will all change once the secret about this little paradise gets out. For now, we are glad to luxuriate under the shadow of confusion that Thailand's reputation casts, and visit a country that feels like a cultural getaway in the tropics, but where it is not only safe, but one is encouraged to wander the streets at night jabbing a spoon at an icy slurry of sweet beans and soft tofu. Also, malaria vaccines are unneeded.  And did we mention the beautiful sunshine and endless hot springs?

After landing in Taipei, we started our loop around the island with a stop at Sun Moon Lake.

Quiz: Sun Moon Lake's biggest draw is its: (a) stunning natural beauty, (b) traditional pagodas and temples, (c) famous boiled tea eggs, or (e) all of the above.

If you picked an answer with tea eggs, surprisingly, you would not be alone. Every time we've visited Sun Moon Lake, the first thing my family wants to do is to go buy some famous tea eggs made by an equally famous grandma. They are a wonderful travel snack -- boiled in spicy cauldrons of black tea, mushrooms, and secrets, creating a treat that is salty and creamy, with a beautiful marbled exterior. Juniper enjoyed sitting on the dock, munching away on her yummy morsel! 

After a long afternoon exploring the lake, we checked into our hotel, Fuli Hot Spring Resort. (This brand new hotel invited us to stay with them, knowing we would broadcast our thoughts from a family travel point of view.) Taiwan is famous for their hot springs, in addition to pretty much every major destination around the island, you can now get a good soak at Sun Moon Lake, and it is highly recommended. They have gorgeous outdoor pools, with different temperatures and depths (great for baby exploration and play!). Our room also had a luxurious private hot spring bath, so you can soak and rest for as long as you please... and then roll straight into bed! Fuli also really looks out for guests with little ones -- there was a crib in our room, baby bath, and bottle warmer. Downstairs there's even a playroom, with structures to play on and endless Legos to build with. The dinner and breakfast buffet was endless, with Western and Taiwanese options. While definitely a splurge, Fuli makes traveling with a baby simple and luxurious. 

Next up -- we continue our trip to the very southern tip of Taiwan to Kenting National Park! Stay tuned for photos and stories. A highlight? Wild monkeys! 




如果你选择茶蛋,令人惊讶的是,你不会孤独。每次我们访问日月潭,我家人要做的第一件事是去买一些着名的茶蛋由一个同样着名的奶奶。他们是一个美妙的旅行小吃 - 煮在辣的大锅的红茶,创造一个咸和奶油,美丽的大理石外观的治疗。瞻博网络真的很喜欢坐在码头上,嚼着她的美味小菜!

经过漫长的下午探索湖泊后,我们进入了我们的酒店福丽温泉度假村。 (这家全新的酒店邀请我们与他们在一起,知道我们将从家庭旅行的角度广播我们的想法。)台湾以其温泉而闻名,除了几乎每个主要目的地在岛上,你现在可以在日月潭很好的浸泡,强烈推荐。他们有华丽的室外游泳池,不同的温度和深度(伟大的婴儿探索和玩!)。我们的房间也有一个豪华的私人温泉浴,所以你可以浸泡和休息,只要你请...,然后直接滚进床!富利也真的看到小的客人 - 有一个在我们的房间,婴儿浴室和瓶暖和的婴儿床。楼下甚至有一个游戏室,结构上玩和无尽的乐高建立。晚餐和自助早餐是无止境的,与西方和台湾的选择。虽然绝对是一个爆炸,福利让与宝宝旅行简单和豪华。

接下来 - 我们继续我们的旅行到台湾的南端到垦丁国家公园!请关注照片和故事。一个亮点?野生猴子!


Ariel + Sam + Juniper

6th Annual St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood

       It's always great to reconnect with alumni and teachers at the St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood. This year it was steamy hot, but everyone seemed super content to sip on wine under the shade of an umbrella. Shooting event photography is seriously the best sometimes, because check out how we got to spend the weekend! Not bad, right?


6th Annual St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

6th Annual St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

6th Annual St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

6th Annual St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

6th Annual St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

6th Annual St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

6th Annual St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

6th Annual St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

6th Annual St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

6th Annual St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

6th Annual St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

6th Annual St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

6th Annual St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

6th Annual St. Ignatius Wine Classic at The Boschetto Private Estate in Kenwood. © Bowerbird Photography 2016


Ariel + Sam

Baby Remi and Big Brother Niko// Newborn and Family Photographers in San Francisco

       There is so much joy and celebration when a new baby arrives! We loved going to Marie + Justin's home in San Francisco to meet their darling new addition, Remi, and photograph her older brother Niko, who ran circles around us. We had so much fun documenting the wonderful moments of tenderness, play, and love shared among them.

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography

Dogpatch San Francisco Family Newborn Photographer © Bowerbird Photography


Ariel + Sam

Photo Diary // Traveling with Baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine

       As wedding photographers we are lucky to be able to travel the world, with clients spanning the globe. We recently photographed Katherine + Danny's wedding in Bar Harbor, Maine and stayed a few extra days to explore and photograph the beautiful island of Mt. Desert and Acadia National Park. We had so much fun traveling with our baby girl Juniper (ok, she's really a toddler now but it's all so new that we still - and probably always will - call her our baby!).  The island is an ideal destination for a family vacation. Below, we share our travel tips and destination recommendations via photo diary. We hope you enjoy this magical little island as much as we did. Enjoy :)

Day One

       Our flight was super delayed and we got into Bangor, Maine around 2.30am, then drove in the early morning hours to Bar Harbor. Juniper was still on West Coast time and totally slept in the next day (we did too!), so we got a late start on our first day. All we wanted to do was picnic and swim, and just five minutes from our cottage was the most wonderful hidden gem, Lakewood Pond. One reason it may be infrequently visited is that the park map doesn't show a road that leads to it. Take Crooked Road to Lakewood Road and you are there.

       It is actually a very large lake in Acadia National Park, but it was not crowded at all and the water felt like a bathtub! We have never swam in such a warm lake and ended up staying the whole day, picking wild blueberries, taking a mini hike around the lake and watching little fogs hop about. While kids enjoy the nice pebbly beach, we watched adventurous teenagers hike around the bend to a diving spot over a little cliff. Lakewood was one of our favorite chill out spots in Acadia and we ended up going back two more times! Truly a perfect summer spot! 

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Day Two

       Well rested and up early, this was our big adventure day on Mt. Desert Island! We started in the morning with a swim at Echo Lake Beach. This is totally the family hang scene! It was packed with swimmers, snackers and splashers. Be ready for crowds! After lunch, Juniper was ready for a nap, so we put her in the Ergo and went for a hike on Beech Mountain, taking us up and up for stunning views of Echo Lake below. Once Juniper woke up, we hopped back in the car for a five minute drive to Southwest Harbor (the island is tiny, and it only takes about ten minutes here and five minutes there to get from place to place, which we especially loved since Juniper is not the biggest fan of the car!). We stopped for finger-licking good wild blueberry ice cream at Quietside Cafe and popped into the local library so Juniper could devour a few books as well -- she's a super bookworm. Then we continued to the most southern point of the island to the iconic Bass Harbor Point Lighthouse, which also has a beautiful trail shooting off from it, covered with blueberries to pick. At sunset, we started to head back, but got sucked in by all the beautiful scenery and persuaded to stop at the natural Seawall, where Juniper splashed in the tide pools, played with seaweed and even got to see some beavers in the adjacent lake.

Echo Lake Beach, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Echo Lake Beach, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Beech Mountain Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Beech Mountain Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Beech Mountain Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Beech Mountain Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Quietside Cafe, Southwest Harbor. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Quietside Cafe, Southwest Harbor. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Southwest Harbor Library, Mt. Desert, Maine. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Southwest Harbor Library, Mt. Desert, Maine. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seawall, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seawall, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seawall, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seawall, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seawall, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seawall, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seawall, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seawall, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seawall, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seawall, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seawall, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seawall, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seawall Acadia. Beavers swimming at sunset.Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seawall Acadia. Beavers swimming at sunset.Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Day Three

       Wedding day! We didn't need to be at the farm until the late afternoon, so we packed a picnic and headed back to Lakewood Pond for a morning swim and soak in the sun, then put on our fancy wedding duds in the parking lot. Have never headed to a wedding shoot so wonderfully relaxed and refreshed as we did in Maine :)

Lake Wood Pond, Acadia. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Lake Wood Pond, Acadia. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Day Four

       Acadia National Park has a fantastic free bus service that goes all over the island. Since Juniper does not dig the car, we thought it would be fun to explore via bus for a whole day :) We started by parking at the visitor center and headed for the classic park loop, with our first stop at Sand Beach. There was heavy fog but it was still surprisingly warm, which meant Juniper was happy in her swimsuit and sweater to take a dip in the frigid waters! Then it was time for a nap, so we meandered down the coastal trail to Thunder Hole, then we hopped back on a bus for Jordan Pond. Wowza - Jordan Pond was gorgeous!! It was crazy hard not to go swimming in it (it's not allowed) and Juniper tried with all her might to "fall in." So worth a visit and there are many little beach side coves along the perimeter which are perfect for a picnic.

       Our friends Merritt + Brian had told us about this AMAZING book store called The Naturalist's Notebook in Seal Harbor. It was along our route so we made a stop! Sadly, the bookstore was being renovated, but Seal Harbor was one of the most beautiful villages on the island and we were so happy we stopped for a visit, which of course included a dip in the ocean, no matter that it was totally foggy out :) If you go, check out the bookstore. It's supposed to be wonderful for kiddos and grownups alike.

Sand Beach, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Sand Beach, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Jordan Pond, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Jordan Pond, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Jordan Pond, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Jordan Pond, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert Island. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert Island. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert Island. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert Island. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert Island. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert Island. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert Island. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert Island. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert Island. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert Island. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert Island. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert Island. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert Island. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert Island. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Day Five

       We woke up to a big storm, so we kept our plans flexible to accommodate the weather. We started the day exploring the town of Bar Harbor, which was packed with tourists buying wooden ducks and eating ice cream. We took a dip and left pretty quickly, heading south in search of lobster. On our way, we randomly chose a hike called Wonderland (it's near the Seawall Campground), and it ended up being our favorite mini hike on this trip! The trail rambled through a variety of ecosystems, ending at a lovely beach scattered with countless colorful shells (read -- hours of entertainment for babies and kids!). And Sam got a kick out of impersonating John Mayer (much to mama's distress!) and singing, "Your trail is a wonderland" the entire walk ;) Wind swept and hungry, we stopped for a lobster dinner at The Upper Deck in Southwest Harbor, dipping seafood in butter while watching the clouds turn colors into the evening. 

Bar Harbor, Maine. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Bar Harbor, Maine. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Wonderland Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Wonderland Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Wonderland Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Wonderland Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Wonderland Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Wonderland Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Wonderland Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Wonderland Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Wonderland Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Wonderland Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Wonderland Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Wonderland Trail, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Lobster dinner at The Upper Deck, Southwest Harbor, Maine. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Lobster dinner at The Upper Deck, Southwest Harbor, Maine. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Day Six

       It was time to fly back to California, but not without one last swim at Lakewood Pond! Can you tell? We liked this swimming hole a lot. Maine was so wonderful and we hope to go back again soon, and to take Juniper on more adventures in this beautiful, blueberry landscape!

Lake Wood Pond, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Lake Wood Pond, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Lake Wood Pond, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Lake Wood Pond, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Lake Wood Pond, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Lake Wood Pond, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Lake Wood Pond, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

Lake Wood Pond, Acadia National Park. Traveling with baby in Acadia National Park, Mt. Desert Island, Bar Harbor, Maine. © Bowerbird Photography 2016

       This last photo, above, is Juniper (mouth full, lips blue) making the sign for "blueberry" in ASL. Ahh... blueberry memories!


Ariel + Sam + Juniper