Taiwan Family Travel Guide to Hualien City and Taroko Gorge // 台湾家庭旅行指南花莲市和太鲁阁峡谷

The last leg of our loop around the island was a two night stop in Hualien City. The lovely Star and Mist B&B invited us to be their guests. This bed and breakfast is so sweet. It is outside the bustle of the busy downtown, with a gigantic green mountain behind it and cozy rooms, with big comfortable beds and a balcony looking out over the garden. After checking in, we took a quick ten minute taxi ride into town and began a culinary adventure. First -- awesome wonton soup, followed by an exotic smorgasbord vegetarian meal in a quirky tchotchke-packed dining room.

The next day, backpack stuffed with steam buns and fruit, we caught a bus to the gorgeous Taroko Gorge, one of the most beautiful places in all of Taiwan. There are several trails in the park and we decided to take the Shakadang Trail, which goes along the river and has incredible ledge cave trails carved into the side of the mountain. Juniper loved it and actually hiked a large portion of it on her own :) Before catching the bus back to Hualien, we indulged in a much needed ice cream cone at the visitor center. You're never far from some delicious treat when you're traveling in Taiwan, even when you're off and away in a national park!

We hope you enjoyed this travel diary from our trip to Taiwan and found it useful in planning your trip to this beautiful island with your family! We're already starting to plan several trips for 2017, so stay in touch :)

我们在岛上的最后一圈是在花莲市的两个晚上停止。可爱的星星和雾M&B邀请我们成为他们的客人。这床和早餐是如此甜蜜。它在繁忙的市中心的喧嚣之外,一个巨大的绿色山在它后面和舒适的客房,有舒适的床和一个阳台,俯瞰花园。登记入住后,我们乘了十分钟的出租车进入城市,开始了一个烹饪的冒险。首先 - 真棒馄饨汤,然后在一个古怪的tchotchke包装的餐厅,一个异国情调的smorgasbord素食餐。

第二天,背包里充满了蒸汽馒头和水果,我们乘坐了一辆公共汽车到华丽的太鲁阁峡谷,这是台湾最美丽的地方之一。在公园里有几条小径,我们决定采取Shakadang小径,沿着河,有令人难以置信的壁架洞穴小径雕刻入山的一侧。 Juniper喜欢它,实际上是在她自己的大部分徒步旅行:)在赶上公共汽车回到花莲,我们沉浸在一个急需的冰淇淋锥在游客中心。当您在台湾旅行时,即使您在国家公园外出旅行,您也不会远离某些美味的食物!



Ariel + Sam + Juniper

Baby's 1st Birthday // A Farm Themed Birthday Party for Hunter

Remember those farm nursery songs from your childhood you used to sing? Grab yerself a hay bale, take a swig of root beer, close your eyes, and find yourself transported to toddler's heaven with all the "Quack-Quack-Quacks," "Oink-Oink-Oinks," and "Baa-Baa-Baaaas" you could want.

Michelle and Greg get the blue ribbon for putting on the best farm party in the city to celebrate their son, Hunter's, first birthday. Hunter arrived to the party in style, wheeling it in his miniature blue Mustang convertible. Hobby horses, red bandanas, and cowboy hats hung off the fence rails and chairs. The tables were festooned with cowhide print tablecloths. The centerpieces featured farm scenes with animals and a barn, stuck into mini haybales, with "Happy Birthday, Hunter" signs. His birthday cake was decorated to look like an adorable red barn, and the party favors were custom cookies shaped like barns as well. The snack table was farm themed with "chicken feed," "tractor wheels," and "baby apples." Hunter's photo display hung on a rustic wood pallet. They also got a food truck to serve "The Hunter," delicious chicken and waffles served up hot. Did we mention, there was also a live petting zoo set up in the yard with alpacas, goats, ducks, a tortoise, and bunnies!!! Forget Pinterest, all your farm-themed party ideas are right here.

We are so excited to celebrate Hunter's first birthday. The party was fantastic. Friends and family were able to relax and have a darn dootin' good time, grateful to have this great guy in their lives. To many many more wonderful years! 

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Ariel + Sam

Holiday Family Photo Session at Cavallo Point, Sausalito

Thanksgiving season means turkey, stuffing, and, in our family's tradition: turnips and carrots! It also means we get to do tons of family sessions, as the holidays bring families together from far and wide. We recently photographed the Caltagirones , as their daughter returned home from college and their son enjoyed a short break from high school homework. It was a perfect opportunity to get in some bear hugs and go exploring the Bay. This family photo session at Cavallo Point in Sausalito with views of the Golden Gate Bridge was sun-filled and actually pretty warm, considering it was the end of November :)

Also, special thanks to the Caltagirones for their support of the SF high school, Saint Ignatius, and for helping to raise money for scholarships for low-income families.

Enjoy this peek into our family session with the wonderful Caltagirones! Happy holidays!

Holiday Family Photo Session at Cavallo Point, Sausalito
Holiday Family Photo Session at Cavallo Point, Sausalito
Holiday Family Photo Session at Cavallo Point, Sausalito
Holiday Family Photo Session at Cavallo Point, Sausalito
Holiday Family Photo Session at Cavallo Point, Sausalito
Holiday Family Photo Session at Cavallo Point, Sausalito
Holiday Family Photo Session at Cavallo Point, Sausalito
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Ariel + Sam

Taiwan Family Travel Guide to Rui Shui, Hualien // 台湾家庭旅行指南瑞宝地花莲

One of our favorite places to visit in Taiwan is a small town in Hualien called Rui Shui. It's an important spot for us because Sam's mom grew up near there, in an even smaller village called Rui Mei. Since she's no longer with us, it's a way for us to feel connected with her and imagine what it was like to grow up in such a beautiful place. Rui Shui really is paradise. It smells like Hawaii, it's surrounded by lush farmland and everyone is crazy friendly. 

The Duckling House invited us to stay with them for two nights while we were in town and omg -- it was the cutest place we've ever stayed!! The owners are obviously artists and the hotel is just filled with adorable decorations and carefully thought through details. And talk about kid friendly! Our room was mermaid themed and there was a koi pond filled with a hundred fish and food to feed them, and they even had a mini family farm, that had bunnies, chickens and a sweet pig on the premises. It was baby bliss!  

They also had a fleet of bikes for guests, which is a perfect way to explore the little town of Rui Shui. Sam strapped Juniper into her carrier and off we whizzed. First we visited a temple near Sam's mom's old house, an ornately decorated building filled with bright yellow lanterns and fragrant incense, which visitors light at different stations in the temple and ask for blessings and make prayers. It's a lovely spot and a good place to cool off from the scorching heat. Next we headed down to the river, where Juniper played along the silty shore and skipped stones. So much fun! 

Tired and hungry, we found a little noodle shack along the main road and got steaming bowls of homemade pho. Juniper had fallen asleep on the ride up from the river and the noodle shop owners kindly found us a folding chair for her to take a long nap. Back at the Duckling House, we all cooled off in our private pool. It was dreamy.

For the second part of our stay, the Sunshine Hot Spring B&B invited us for two nights, a deliciously modern hotel, nestled next to a river and at the base of a beautiful jungle trail, which we got a chance to hike up. Juniper once again had a private hot spring pool to practice her swim strokes and kicks in -- one afternoon we spent almost three hours splashing around in the water.

Relaxed, with pruney water-soaked skin, we headed north to Hualien City for our final stop. More photos coming soon! 


鸭子屋邀请我们住两个晚上,当我们在城里和omg - 这是我们住过的最可爱的地方!业主显然是艺术家,酒店充满可爱的装饰,仔细思考细节。和谈论孩子友好!我们的房间是美人鱼主题,有一个锦鲤池充满了一百条鱼和食物喂养他们,他们甚至有一个迷你家庭农场,有兔子,鸡,甚至一只甜猪在前提。这是宝贝的幸福!



在我们入住的第二部分,阳光温泉B&B邀请我们两个晚上,一个美味的现代化酒店,坐落在一条河旁边,一个美丽的丛林步道的基地,我们有机会远足。瞻博网络再次有一个私人温泉游泳池练习她的游泳冲程和踢 - 一个下午,我们花了几乎三个小时在水中飞溅。



Ariel + Sam + Juniper

Holiday Family Photo Session in Tiburon, Marin County

We love family photo sessions around the holidays! Not only do we get to spend time with our loved ones, we also get to hang out with other incredible ones like this family. David and Elaine are friends of ours, and their darling little Ava was born a few months after ours. When Elaine's family flew out from Chicago to spend Thanksgiving, it was a perfect time for a family photo session.

We met up in Tiburon the morning after Thanksgiving. Everyone seemed perfectly rested and happy after their turkey induced slumber!

Hope you enjoy a peek into their sweet family session along the Richardson Bay! And Ava gave a wonderful finale performance, playin' around in the flowers :) What a cutie!!

Holiday Family Photo Session in Tiburon, Marin County
Holiday Family Photo Session in Tiburon, Marin County
Holiday Family Photo Session in Tiburon, Marin County
Holiday Family Photo Session in Tiburon, Marin County
Holiday Family Photo Session in Tiburon, Marin County
Holiday Family Photo Session in Tiburon, Marin County
Holiday Family Photo Session in Tiburon, Marin County
Holiday Family Photo Session in Tiburon, Marin County


Ariel + Sam